AK Next Economy In The Press
OPINION: Alaskans are building a prosperous next economy while our leaders are stuck in the past
By Margi Dashevsky | Published August 25, 2022
I want Alaska’s leaders to talk about what’s needed to ensure that future Alaskans are able to enjoy the uniquely Alaskan lifestyle I have. I grew up steeped in the assumption that our state’s only hope for a healthy economy lies in drilling, digging and clearing land. Now I see these as outdated issues politicians focus on in an effort to win votes. Oil and gas jobs are disingenuously presented as the only way to achieve the stable and high quality of life Alaskans actually care about. Candidates beat the drum for a familiar list of politically motivated projects – that includes the natural gas pipeline proposal, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil lease sale, Cook Inlet natural gas lease sale, state-funded private road projects (like the Ambler Road and West Susitna Access Road), Pebble Mine, Donlin Mine, and the Nenana land sale – and make false promises of big paydays for everyday Alaskans. They also mire us in obsolete debates and funnel public money into private hands, largely outside of Alaska.